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Signed in as:
This code of conduct must be adhered to by your employees as well as yourself, and any violation of the Code of Conduct by members of your group will be reflected the same as if it were you violating the code of conduct.
Idaho Renaissance Faire Inc seeks to provide a fun event that allows for an escape from the modern worries and troubles of the world. As such No Modern Politics, Political Platforms, Political Party Affiliations, Political Activism or Any Form Thereof Shall be Permitted. This includes petitions, merchandise, voting information, displays of partisanship, or any other form of political affiliation. If you or members of your booth/organization are found to be in violation of this, the offending party shall be asked to leave the premise, and the booth/organization will not be allowed to return in for future events.
Idaho Renaissance Fair INC provides Family Friendly events. Those who are working the event are not permitted to drink alcohol. Those with a vendor or entertainer pass will be refused alcohol at the Pub during the hours of the Faire. The pub will be open for 30 minutes after the event officially closes this is the only time that those working our events may be allowed to drink.
Additionally, Expo Idaho is a licensed Liquor Vendor. Their license extends throughout the entirety of the fenced area. Because of this anyone who brings outside alcohol onto the premises will not only be banned from future events but whatever entity they are working for will be added to the BLACKLIST.
The venue requires that vehicles be off the field by a certain time on the days of the event. The vehicle gates WILL be locked one hour before opening. If you are not onsite by that time you will not be allowed onto the field. Additionally, the Vehicle gates will not re-open until 30 minutes after close. This gives us time to get the last of the patrons off site safely before anyone drives onto/off of the field.
We adhere to a ‘good neighbor policy’ and request that all merchants take care to avoid excessively loud or inappropriate noise and behavior. Hawking wares to patrons IS encouraged! No merchant or entertainer may ’heckle’ another merchant if patrons are in the shop. Any person found to be in violation of the Good Neighbor policy will be considered in violation of the event atmosphere and will not be asked back. Any such action taken against the Event itself before, during, or after the event will also be considered a violation of this clause.
The Idaho Tax Commission can and will fine us for vendors that do not fill out the ST-124 tax form. Moving forward this must be filled out one week prior to the event. ALL entities MUST fill out the ST-124, it does not matter if you have a Sales permit from the State of Idaho, or even if you are not selling anything. YOU MUST FILL OUT THE TAX FORM. If you are selling IT MUST BE DISPLAYED. Moving forward, failure to do this will result in a ban from working with Idaho Renaissance Faire INC.
Idaho is a non-gambling state, and Expo Idaho has taken note of multiple raffles during and throughout our events. If you are doing a raffle OF ANY KIND notate it on the application form so that we know to get you the correct forms for raffles for Expo Idaho to review.
As a Family Friendly Event we do not allow our vendors, cast, or entertainers to smoke or vape within the confines of the event. Areas that are accepted: The pub, the fence line, and outside of the event.
Expo Idaho has a STRICT no dog policy. They have required of us to not allow dogs in under any circumstances except those allowed by the American Disabilities Act. The following is taken directly from the ADA website:
"Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA." (
Emotional Support Dogs are not allowed on Expo Idaho Grounds. If you have a Service Dog you must notate it in the notes that you are 1.) bringing a service dog due to a disability and 2.) what task it is trained to perform.
Some of our vendors train service animals and we allow those in training to be included under this same provision, provided the task they are being trained for is stated upon arrival.
The state of Idaho has a strict 14 year old age limit for children working in your booth. If your child is not at least 14 years old they must be attended to at all times. We have had multiple instances over the years of underage children roaming the booths and the Faire unsupervised. These instances have resulted in damage to other vendors booths, disruption of entertainment stages, and even children ending up in life threatening situations. If you are bringing a child, your child MUST be attended to by an adult at all times.
Copyright © 2020 Idaho Renaissance Faire - All Rights Reserved.
The Idaho Renaissance
Faire, Inc. is a
501(c)(3) non-profit
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